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Spider Treatments

Don’t burn your house down! Just yet, anyways.

Have you seen a spider in your home? Well, the ol’ (Internet Age) adage is, “I saw a spider, so I burned my house down.” Well we’ve got good news, now you don’t have to move if you see a spider! You can just call Cape Fear Termite & Pest Control.

Spider Species

There are over 35,000 species of spiders in the Order Araneae, so it’s safe to say that spiders come in a whole lot of shapes and sizes. Yet, it’s always pretty easy to identify when something is a spider. They have eight legs, two body regions, no wings, and no antennae. Spiders also have three or four pair of eyes. Many spiders have poor vision, but some species, such as the jumping spider, have exceptional vision.

Some spiders like moisture, they are most commonly found in basements, crawl spaces, and other damp parts of buildings and homes. Other spiders look for dark, dry, and warm areas like subfloor air vents, upper corners of rooms, and attics.

They feed on insects, other spiders, and any other prey they are able to subdue.

Many spiders are actually great to have at your home. When they’re outside away from your buildings and walking areas, spiders do you the service of eliminating a lot of other unwanted pests. However, when they are in your home and other buildings, they quickly become a danger to you and your family.

Spider Reproduction

Females produce an egg sac. From there, the spiderlings emerge. For many people, this is the point at which they stop reading and say, “No thank you, I’ll just call!”.

Spiderlings undergo a series of molts before they become adults.

Spiders do not have chewing mouthparts. Most commonly they utilize digestive enzymes in their saliva to break prey down before consuming it.\\

Almost all spider species are predators, although one plant-feeding species has been documented.

How Do Spiders Get In Your Home?

Spiders commonly enter homes in one of two primary ways. Spiders can enter through open, poorly screened windows and doors or through cracks and gaps around door and window frames. Alternatively, they can end up hitchhiking inside boxes, on outdoor items, or in/on numerous other things that are brought inside a home or business. Most of the time, spiders come inside the home looking for prey.

While most spiders aren’t out to get you or your family, it’s important to contact a pest management professional if you find spiders in your home. Call Cape Fear Termite & Pest Control. We will come to your home or business, perform an inspection, and give you a custom solution for your needs.

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