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Rodents: Rat & Mice Infestations

Not all pests are insects! Mice and rats are one of the more common pest control problems that we face in this area. Unlike insects, a lot of times you won’t see a mouse, rat, or any rodent. Instead, you’ll likely suspect that you’ve got a critter because you hear them or see what they leave behind.

It is common for home or business owners to hear mice, rats, or any rodents in their building(s). Sometimes it’s at night in the attic when you’re trying to sleep. Other times, you’ll here them in-between the walls. Other times, you may just see evidence of them left behind, like chewed through food storage bags or rodent droppings.

No matter why you came to suspect having a rodent in your building, here are some things that are good to know.

Rodent Facts

Rodents’ biology and habits can make them a challenge to control. They should not be left alone as they do present many serious threats to your home.

Facts About Rats

Rats are instinctively extremely wary of things that are new to their environment. For example, they are likely to be skeptical about DIY rat control measures such as traps with bait. They can quickly and colonize in attics, under concrete and porches, and in wall voids as well as other hard-to-reach places.

Rats can harbor and transmit a number of serious diseases. Furthermore, they often bring disease-carrying parasites such as fleas and ticks into your home.

Facts About Mice

Mice will quickly invade your home in search of the basic necessities; food, water, and warmth. Mice will fine their ways into your food storage and immediately contaminate it. Mice can fit through tiny spaces, and like rats, they will often colonize in attics, under concrete and porches, and in wall voids as well as other hard-to-reach places.

The Order Rodentia is comprised of over 2,000 species. The Family Muridae is the largest, containing nearly two-thirds of all rodent species and many of the rodents that you are most familiar with, such as; sand rats, gerbils, crested rats, and old world rats and mice.

Rodents are warm-blooded mammals that can be found throughout the world. They have oversized front teeth for gnawing and cheek teeth, which are adapted for chewing. Rodents are prolific chewers and cause great damage in and around homes.

Rodents have the ability to squeeze through spaces that would otherwise appear too small for their bodies. Even small holes in your home or buildings should be sealed in order to prevent entry and re-entry of rodents. Call Cape Fear Termite & Pest Control for assistance.

Rodent Life Cycles: Like many pests, rodents breed quickly and abundantly. Some species of rodents breed all year around and their populations are maintained by constantly reproducing.

Rodents Can Carry Disease

Please do not handle any wild rodents. They are equipped with large teeth and are capable of transmitting a wide variety of bacteria, viruses, and diseases through their saliva, feces, and urine. In other words, they are absolutely a danger to your health.

If you locate a rodent within your home, it is always best to contact a pest management professional for removal and identification. Often times the presence of one rodent within a home means that there will likely be an infestation.

Keep all children and pets away from any rodents. If cornered, a rodent will bite to defend itself.

Rodent Infestation Prevention Tips

Rodents reproduce rapidly and small populations can quickly become full-blown infestations. Implemented these prevention methods early in order to maintain a rodent-free home.

  • Keep any possible food sources away from rodents.
  • Spilled food, crumbs, and garbage are popular sources of infestation. Dry goods, such as grains and cereals, are too. Keeping foods sealed in metal or glass containers helps prevent contamination.
  • Fruits and vegetables should also be stored properly and leftovers or scraps should never be left in sinks or on counters.
  • Cardboard objects prove attractive to rodents, as they tend to chew them up for use in their nests.

If you are experiencing a rodent infestation, please contact a pest control professional for an inspection. Cape Fea Termite & Pest Control will help you.

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